The Passing of 2020
Poem By Miranda Fuller
This 2020, passing’s, been the most appalling year
Of illness, loss, confusion, loneliness and dreadful fear;
Of missed events, occasions, anniversaries unshared,
Of constant wonderings how friends and family have fared;
But superhuman efforts, too, of vigilance and care,
Of acts of loving kindness, acts of heroism rare.
And finally, in the darkness of this tunnel, we see light
And hopefulness ahead of us, instead of dread and fright.
So, let our poor, depleted Christmas still bring joy and cheer
Then bid this passing year goodbye, without a single tear!
Poem & Art by Claygate Surrey Artist Miranda Fuller
Painting Title: The Lane
Miranda is an active member of Oxshott and Molesey Art Societies and also paints and exhibits with MiMA, a mixed media artists’ group in Reigate