Art, Painting Commissions and Prints from Surrey Artists

Artist: Fred Masters

Artist: Fred Masters

Contemporary Art - Forest - Fred Masters - Abstract Artist - Paintings in Acrylic and Oil - Surrey Art Gallery


Image Size: 24″ x 20″
Art Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Original Painting: £450

Commissions Invited

Contact The Artist

Fred Masters


Paintings in Acrylic and Oil

Phone: 01372 386 459
Mobile: 077 489 22 972
Please mention the Surrey Artists website

About The Artist

I studied fine art for four years at Manchester and Sunderland Colleges of Art, followed by one year at Leeds College of Art ( art teachers' diploma ).
Subseqently, I spent many years teaching Art to A Level in grammar and independent schools, before taking early retirement.

My work is extremely varied, mainly in oils and acrylic, ranging from purely figurative to totally abstract. I tend to work in series, developing an idea, where one painting leads to another, before perhaps moving on to something quite different.

Contemporary Art - Lagoon Abstract Art - Surrey Artist Fred Masters Painting
Contemporary Art - After Peter Blake Abstract Painting - Surrey Artist Fred Masters
Contemporary Art - Orchard Abstract Art - Surrey Artist Fred Masters Painting

Over the years, I have exhibited in Newcastle on Tyne, Oxford, as well as various venues in Surrey and the paintings shown here represent only a SMALL cross-section of my work.

Not currently a member of a Surrey Art Group or Surrey Art Society.

I welcome any enquiries and will happily e-mail a wide range of images of my work, to any interested party.