Art, Painting Commissions and Prints from Surrey Artists

Artist: Elaine Pigeon

Artist: Elaine Pigeon

Girl with Tulips - Alpul - Contemporary Art Gallery - London Artist Elaine Pigeon

Girl with Tulips – Alpul

Art Medium: Mixed Media on Canvas
Image Size: A0 1189mm x 841mm
Painting Price: £109

Commissions Invited

Contact The Artist

Elaine Pigeon

Nudes & Portraits

Phone: 07837 101 217
Please mention the Surrey Artists website

Gallery Of Art

About The Artist

Born in London, Elaine graduated from Art College with several qualifications covering Screen Printing, Surface Patterning and Art& Design.
She temporarily put her hard earned artistic talent aside to focus on family and work commitments and only just recently decided to pick up her brushes again and splash out some very striking unique artwork, which is making her artwork more and more collectable including pieces from her ‘Native American’, ‘Hidden Beauty’ and ‘Shadows of Light’ collection which are ever increasingly becoming very few and far between to find her catalogued originals.

Greeting Cards

I have created greeting cards from my paintings.