Art, Painting Commissions and Prints from Surrey Artists

Artist: Simon Oliver

Artist: Simon Oliver

Glacial Spectrum Acrylic on Canvas - Artist Simon Oliver

Glacial Spectrum

Image Size: 18” x 24” (46cm x 61cm)
Art Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Original Painting Price: £600

Commissions Invited

Contact The Artist

Art of Joy by Simon Oliver

Paint, Stone and Wood Artist

Phone: 07842 563677

Please mention the Surrey Artists website



Gallery Of Art

About The Artist

Since childhood, I have always enjoyed observing nature in all her finery; particularly land, sea and skyscapes.

Recently, I have rekindled my love of painting using acrylics, exploring unusual and ‘other worldly‘ occurrences in nature. I’m continuously inspired to paint by merging memories and travels, combined with imagination. This enables me to travel freely in my creative process to unique places, colour and content.

Riding the Energy Wave - Acrylic on Canvas - 70cm x 51cm - Simon Oliver
Tower of Babel - Mounted and Glass-Framed Painting - Acrylic Artist Simon Oliver
Decorated Victorian Chest - Aquatic Scene with Sea Mammals - Wood Artist Simon Oliver

Art Group / Exhibitions

I spent many years working and volunteering at sea and living in a beautiful coastal town. In the past, this galvanised me to work with indigenous stones and woods, with exhibitions over several years.

Not currently a member of a Surrey Art Group or Surrey Art Society.