Art, Painting Commissions and Prints from Surrey Artists

Artist: Tony Scrivener

Artist: Tony Scrivener

Lost Child Found By Mother - Abstract Art Gallery - Artist Tony Scrivener - Surrey Institute of Art & Design

Found – Lost Child Found by Mother

Image Size: 41cm x 30.5cm
Art Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Price of Painting: On Application

Commissions Invited

Contact The Artist

Tony Scrivener

Artist using traditional
and unconventional materials

Phone: 07941 011 241
Please mention the Surrey Artists website

Gallery Of Art

About The Artist

The beauty of London, it’s inhabitants past and present, fuel the basis for Tony’s work. Through his painting he brings to life the faded, overlooked and unknown aspects of London, with a need to resurrect.
Tony originally studied Graphic Design at the Surrey Institute of Art & Design. In recent years he has returned to the easel, working with both traditional and unconventional materials. Recently he has begun to focus on landscapes situated on the edge of London. Tony is a member of a London based group of artists called, Artists Who….

Art Group / Exhibitions

Tony will be exhibiting with Artist Who…at the Vibe Gallery, London, late November/ early December 2013 and at the Espacio Gallery, London, in 2014. Artists Who… will be exhibiting in London and beyond at various venues during 2014.