Art, Painting Commissions and Prints from Surrey Artists

Artist: Anne Winstanley Wood

Artist: Anne Winstanley Wood

Painting of Farley Green, Surrey Hills - Place to Remember - Horsley Landscape Artist Anne Winstanley Wood
Image Size: 12″ x 10″
Art Medium: Acrylic Paint and Ink on Canvas
Original Painting Price: £125 (in a chunky, cream frame)

Commissions Invited

Contact The Artist

Anne Winstanley Wood

East Horsley

Figurative, Landscape, Still Life and Abstract Artist

Please mention the Surrey Artists website

Phone: 07725 852084



Instagram: @annewinwoodart

Gallery Of Art

About The Artist

“Drama, Atmosphere and Movement”

Anne creates vividly expressive landscape paintings, inspired by the Surrey Hills. Her work is about capturing drama, atmosphere and movement and is characterised by gorgeous colours, free energetic and loosely-layered brushwork and gestural mark making. She loves to experiment with drips, splashes and distorted lines because these enable her to be bold and expressive.

She grew up among the terraced houses, slate roofs and mill chimneys of a northern mill town, surrounded by wild hills, becks and moors. An only child, she taught herself to draw by copying Disney characters and her dad’s Lancashire art shop was an ‘Aladdin’s Cave’. Fifty years later and having lived in Teddington, New York and California, the gently rolling hills, heathland, vineyards and wooded countryside of the North Downs have replaced the dry stone walls, moors and ‘dark satanic mills’ of her youth. Lanes, tracks, telegraph wires and undulating fields now inspire her to sketch lines and shapes, which gradually evolve into finished compositions.

That love of the majestic countryside of her northern roots is still with her, along with a sense of ‘theatre’ which she now realises grew out of her background as a young dancer and pianist. These early experiences resonate in her paintings now. Being in a landscape she feels calm, relaxed, yet alive and free and that’s how she feels when she paints.

After graduating in Fine Art at Reading University in 1984 she pursued a career in Education, primarily in music and completed an MEd in Creative Arts at Exeter University.

Abstract Painting - Early Rose 1 - Horsley and Clandon Society of Arts member Anne Winstanley Wood
Poppy Duet - Artwork by East Horsley Surrey Artist Anne Winstanley Wood
Where are You - Acrylic on Canvas - Painting by East Horsley Artist Anne Winstanley Wood

Art Group / Exhibitions

Over the years, Anne's work has been exhibited, commissioned and bought by collectors in the UK and USA. Retirement from her last post in an International school has enabled her to focus fully on painting.

She has recently featured in Homes and Gardens magazine, exhibited at Denbies Vineyard, High Clandon Vineyard and participated in Surrey Artists’ Open Studios. Anne is a member of Leatherhead Art Club and Horsley and Clandon Society of Arts.