Art, Painting Commissions and Prints from Surrey Artists

Artist: Sarah James

Artist: Sarah James

Peacock at Kew - Sarah James - Portrait Artist in Oils and Pastels - Richmond Art Society - Surrey Art Gallery

Peacock at Kew

Image Size: 16″ x 20″
Art Medium: Oil on Canvas

Commissions Invited

Contact The Artist

Sarah James

Portrait Artist in Oils and Pastels

Phone: 07855 775 164
Please mention the Surrey Artists website

Gallery Of Art

About The Artist

I briefly studied Fine Art at Bournemouth, Dorset back in 1989, then went on to study a BA (Hons) in Conservation and Restoration of paper-based objects and the History of Printmaking, at Camberwell College, London.

I continued to paint for years as a hobby, however, in 2000 I had my son, art was forgotten and I was taken over by the world of Tellytubbies! My youngest son started school last year so I decided it was time to start painting again.

I’m now drawing and painting on a daily basis. Currently my work is pastel paintings and oil on canvas, but I plan to explore many other art mediums in the future.

I am happy to accept commissions of people, pets or wildlife, in pastel or oil paint.

Art Groups

Richmond Art Society

Lioness Painting

Lioness (A3 on Mi-Teintes paper)