Artist: Iain White
Portrait of Helen, Sunlit
Image Size: 30cm x 40cm
Art Medium: Conte on Paper
Commissions Invited
Contact The Artist
Iain White
Portraits and other Paintings
in Acrylic, Pastel and Conte
Phone: 01372 373 260
Please mention the Surrey Artists website
About The Artist
I work from photographs, as they provide an accurate foundation upon which the painting can develop, whilst still keeping the subtlety of a moment’s expression. Most of my portraits are Acrylic on Canvas or Board but I also use Pastel and Conte on Tinted Paper.
For a further selection of my work and details on prices and ordering, please visit my website.”

Happy Mum with Commission of Milo
‘Thanks for the portrait of our lovely boy Milo! It’s one thing to capture the facial elements of a person accurately, it’s another to portray something of the metaphysical/spirit of the subject. You do both… in spades. Thank you so much for investing so much care and intelligence into every stroke. We love it!’
Artist Biography
“Drawing and painting have been important to me since childhood. My best presents were cartridge pads, tins of crayons and paintboxes. The simple pleasure of making ‘pictures’ was so much more fun than maths homework or Evensong choir practice with all those psalms; but then, what isn’t?
At school I had a wonderful art teacher, Pat Adams, who encouraged me to explore different media and study painters past and present. So a new world opened up and with it, dreams of being an artist. I took a Foundation Course in Art and Design in Epsom and then started a Fine Art Degree in Bristol. I continued to paint during my spare time from work and gradually concentrated on portraiture.
The human face and form crosses all boundaries and is therefore the most familiar and accessible of subjects. I had painted family and friends from life over the years, but once I started working from photos, my confidence grew. To start with this made me uneasy, until I found that painters – Sickert, for example, had used photos as a starting point. From those early efforts I began to get commissions from family, friends and then by word of mouth. I look to the portraits by artists such as Degas, Sargent and Freud to help me with ideas about brushwork, composition and colour.”