Art, Painting Commissions and Prints from Surrey Artists

Artist: Penelope Cake

Artist: Penelope Cake

Rainbows Twist - Contemporary Surrey Artist - Penelope Cake - Gallery

Rainbows Twist

Study on Colour

Image Size: 100cm x 120cm x 3cm
Art Medium: Oil on Canvas
Painting Price: £350

Commissions Invited

Contact The Artist

Penelope Cake

Contemporary and Visionary Art

Phone: 0794 3217967
Please mention the Surrey Artists website

Gallery Of Art

About The Artist

Contemporary & Visionary Spirit Artist, Designer, Craftswoman & Light Worker. BA Honours Fine Art Painting, Wimbledon School Of Art 2013

I am a creative artist who studies The Beyond.

The ethereal nature of shadows and light, unsolid matter, which is of anti gravity, that which is beyond all things physical, that which is vibration, finer energy and metaphysical.
This allows me to bring my spirituality into my art practices, where I also study Esoteric Science, the hidden depths in the psyche, that which is in the depth of soul, from a stream of higher consciousness.

My painting pratices embody colour and the living energetic vibrations of the cosmos, which I study using Rodolph Stiener’s theories on the “spirited ” in art practices and the inner meaning of colour. Translating what is ethereal into physical solid matter, what is ether! Art then becomes a living energetic vibration, an area of study in itself.

So I encompass the full spectrum of colour, outwardly through art practices and inwardly through esoteric spiritual studies, using different medias in photography, filming, performance art, costume, digital media, painting and drawing.

So all is ‘spirited’ in energetic resonance, as I use my perception from open mindedness, visions and receptivity of other ethereal dimensions.

This is a spiritual insight that goes beyond the boundaries of mark making in art, as I become the subject through meditative practices where I see with my inner minds eye, feeling the colours, observing the nature of subject, to be and connect with the subject in hand, to sense the vibrational etheric level through embodiment of esoteric science. This permitted me to develop various art projects in different medias.

About The Works Displayed

The Blue Rider, oil painting from my shattered Light Project

Rainbow Angel, oil painting, from my Inner Child’s Rainbow paintings

Light Spectrum Prints, a photography project freezing light in an image

Shroud, from my Shadow Ghost project, photography from costume design, capturing movement and atmospheric settings.

A vortex print from my inner esoteric spiritual studies, combined paintings and digital media

Rainbow twist painting, from my studies on colour.