Art, Painting Commissions and Prints from Surrey Artists

Artist: Sunita Khedekar

Artist: Sunita Khedekar

Reflections - Surrey Artist - Sunita Khedekar - Contemporary Landscapes, Abstract Art and Indian Mythological and Traditional Paintings


Image Size: 36cm x 36cm
Art Medium: Acrylic
Price: Please contact the Artist

Commissions Invited

Contact The Artist

Sunita Khedekar

Contemporary Landscapes, Abstract Art
and Indian Mythological / Traditional Paintings

Phone: 0791 7704 062
Please mention the Surrey Artists website

Gallery Of Art

About The Artist

I graduated from Sir JJ Institute of Applied Art, Mumbai, India. I paint a wide range of subjects including contemporary landscapes, abstract art and Indian mythological / traditional paintings. My favourite medium is acrylic on canvas and my paintings feature cheerful colours and unique textural quality.

I love to paint and am inspired by the whole concept of creativity; the idea that a blank canvas can be turned into something that someone will cherish is very exciting to me.

I also enjoy the fact that a painting can mean different things to different people. I have been very happy painting with acrylics for most of my life.

Lake District - Contemporary Landscape by Sunita Khedekar

Lake District - Contemporary Landscape by Sunita Khedekar

Although beautiful English countryside landscapes, hills and small villages fascinate me, I would say nature has influenced my style. I think that subconsciously, whatever I have seen has had an effect on me, teaching me about form, colour, technique and texture and I like to think I have absorbed these lessons into the work I do.

Please do visit my page on Facebook and share it with your friends too…if you like it!
Sunita’s Paintings Set on Facebook