Art, Painting Commissions and Prints from Surrey Artists

Justin Norcott

Still Life Artwork - Collagraph by Surrey Artist Justin Norcott

Still Life

Art Medium: Collagraph
Artist Proof
Size: 41 × 42cm
Price: £345

Commissions Invited

Contact The Artist

Justin Norcott

Painter /printmaker
Specialism is drypoint engraving

Phone: 07760 897 038

Please mention the Surrey Artists website


Instagram: @norcottarts

Gallery Of Art

About The Artist

Exhibiting at the Royal Academy Summer exhibition at the age of 18 was a pivotal moment of my life, as it set my mind on focusing on art as a career .

I have since sold art at the Battersea Arts Fair, held several solo exhibitions in Belgravia and taken part in various group shows in London.

I also taught art for several years .

I have, over time, painted portraits which have been commisioned and have recently started painting dog portraits.

Although I see myself as a painter /printmaker , my specialism is drypoint engraving . . a technique that suits my subtle and now distinctive style perfectly .

Art in Collections

A drypoint archived with the Scarborough Museums Trust