Art, Painting Commissions and Prints from Surrey Artists

Artist: Martyn Wyndham-Read

Artist: Martyn Wyndham-Read

Pattern Design - Surrey Artist Martyn Wyndham-Read


Art Medium: Ink Pen
Please contact the Artist

Commissions Invited

Contact The Artist

Martyn Wyndham-Read

Pattern Design using Ink Pen

Please mention the Surrey Artists website

Mobile: 07787 504 814

Telephone: 01252 719 566


Gallery Of Art

About The Artist

By way of an introduction my name is Martyn Wyndham-Read and over the last fifty five years I have toured the world with music as one of my passions.

In 1960 I went to Australia and thereafter, working on a sheep and cattle station for a year or so, I became immersed in the old Australian songs and traditions and headed off in that direction. I started doing some pattern images and these developed in certain ways, even an LP cover for a jazz band.

Martyn is a well known singer in some quarters and a little known artist

On my return to England in the late 1960’s I was commissioned by Irvine Sellers to create a mural in his Carnaby Street, London, Mates shop, and was there at his launch for ladies paper dresses and was photographed drawing on one of the dresses. But I became more and more immersed in the music and the pattern imagery took a back seat.

Two years ago I picked up the pens and started off on the pattern imagery design road and have been creating these since then accumulating various shapes and sizes. 

You can see a time lapse video of my drawing below.

If you would be interested in exhibiting or buying my artwork, I have over 30 unique hand drawn designs and also create designs on request. If you would like more details of my artwork and sizing’s then please let me know. My contact details are above.
