Cranleigh Art & Crafts Society – Meetings & Exhibitions
Publicity For Your Art Society / Exhibitions
If you would like your art group or exhibition to be included on the Surrey Artists website, please Contact Us.
Cranleigh Art & Crafts Society
A friendly society of artists and crafters of all levels
We are friendly society of artists and crafters of all levels, from absolute beginners to seasoned artists, who love all things creative, and who love sharing our passion for creativity with each other. Over more than 50 years we have been bringing colour and art to Cranleigh and its local residents – with demonstrations, hands on sessions and our annual exhibitions. We have showcased new techniques, celebrated crafts and presented work as diverse as wood turning and embroidery, to automata and leatherwork.
We believe that ‘having a go’ is more important than being the best in any creative endeavour, and through friendship, art, crafting and laughter we give our members access to a community that have fun and create magical work. Good for the mind, good for the soul and plenty of opportunity to embrace whatever creative talents you have, Cranleigh Art and Crafts society thrives in its 6th decade because its as passionate about art as its individual members.
Time to take up a new hobby?
We pride ourselves on the warm welcome we give new members – or even people who want to come along and experience a demonstration – why not spend a couple of hours and find out if it is time to give yourself a new hobby (or revive an old one) and see how art and crafting can contribute to positive mental well being – and be a lot of fun!
History of Cranleigh Art and Crafts Society
Cranleigh village is situated in the beautiful Surrey countryside halfway between Heathrow & Gatwick.
Over fifty years ago (1968), when the population was 3000 a small group of individuals, led by Joy Attwell (a well renouned potter in Cranleigh) decided to form a local art group and membership rapidly climbed to 400.
Cranleigh was then regarded as the largest village in England! Today the population of Cranleigh is 20,000 and so our Society continues to serve the local interest in Art and Crafts.

Activities organised by the Society
The Society organises two Exhibitions in the Village Hall each year of local art & crafts and exhibit over 300 items by our Members.
There are monthly demonstrations on a Saturday afternoon in which we invite a professional painter to demonstrate their skills with oils, watercolours, acrylics, pastels and mixed media. These are well attended by our members and also provide an opportunity for members to meet and socialise and pick up hints and tips to improve their own art work.
Please have a look at our programme below for further details.
We also organise sketching days and plein air painting days in summer and a summer outing.
Membership of Cranleigh Art & Crafts Society
Now in its 54th year the Society still continues to welcome and encourage those interested in art and crafts, whether experienced or absolute beginners.
To this end all members can exhibit at our Exhibitions, Craft Market, join Outings and informal indoor and outdoor Painting Days.
Art Demonstrations
We hold ten demonstrations each year introducing new artists and techniques as well as hosting returning artists.
Demonstrators booked for this year include Christopher Cole, Chris Forsey, Judit Matthews, Will Dyke, Ian Henderson, Ronnie Ireland, Aram from Eli-Chem Resins, Ros Sprey, Maggie Cross, Brendan Smith, Harriet Riddell & Louise Grundy.
We are happy for visitors to join us at any of these demonstrations with a £3 donation.
Society Membership
Yearly membership is kept low at just £25 single or £30 joint. That fee gets you access to our monthly demonstrations. Where we have active (ie you join in!) workshops we need to charge a fee for materials – but we try and keep these charges to a minimum.
Our membership is an annual charge, made in January.
For new members joining after July we reduce the charge to £15 single and £20 joint membership (which then renews with all members in January).
We always welcome new members over the age of 15, and with any level of ability – the most important thing is having fun.
Exhibitions, Workshops & Feedback Days
As well monthly demonstrations we hold regular exhibitions of our members work, have ‘how-to’ workshops, and have regular ‘feedback’ days – a chance for our members to learn and improve their skills.
Our members love arts and crafts including: Painting, drawing, watercolours, knitting, sewing, embroidery, model making, leatherwork, floristry, lampshade making, papercraft, acrylics, crochet, felting, macramé, wood turning, pottery, glass painting, sculpture, weaving, portraiture… and the list keeps getting longer.
Contact Cranleigh Art & Crafts Society
For more information, contact Nick Thorogood at info@caacs.co.uk
Please mention the Surrey Artists website
Website: www.caacs.co.uk
Meetings, Workshops & Exhibitions Programme 2022
Meetings are 2.30pm – 4.30pm on Saturdays in the Band Room, Village Way, Cranleigh, Surrey GU6 8AF.
Exhibitions are in the Village Hall at the same address.
Sat, 26th March, 10am – 4pm: Workshop – Acrylics for Beginners and improvers with Christopher Cole
Sat, 9 April, 2:30pm – 4:30pm: Demonstration – Polymer resin systems & products with Aram from Eli-Chem Resins U.K.
Sat, 23 April, 2:30pm – 4:30pm: Demonstration – Coastal Scene with Chris Forsey
Saturday, 7 May: Art Exhibition
Thursday 12th – Saturday 14th May: Art Exhibition
Sat, 14 May, 10:30am – 12:30pm: Demonstration – Illustrative painting with mixed media – Judit Matthews
Sat, 14 May, 2pm – 4pm: Demonstration – Linocut printmaking with Will Dyke
Sat, 11 June, 2:30pm – 4:30pm: Demonstration – Pastel Animals with Ian Henderson
Sat, 9 July, 2:30pm – 4:30pm: Demonstration – Theatrical figures in acrylic with Ronnie Ireland
Sat, 23 July, 10am – 4pm: Workshop – Illustrative painting with Judit Matthews
Sat, 10 September, 2:30pm – 4:30pm: Critique of members paintings with Ros Sprey
Sat, 24 September, 2:30pm – 4:30pm: Demonstration – Calligraphy/Chinese Brush with Maggie Cross
Sat, 8 October, 2:30pm – 4:30pm: Demonstration – Venice in watercolour & acrylic with Brendan Smith
Sat, 22 October, 2:30pm – 4:30pm: Demonstration – Portraits using freehand machine embroidery with Harriet Riddell
Thursday, 10 Nov: Craft Exhibition
Sat, 26 November, 2:30pm – 4:30pm: Demonstration – Paper sculpture techniques with Louise Grundy (Ancestry Heads)
Saturday, 10 Dec: Christmas Party for members
Paintings by Cranleigh Art & Crafts Society members shown on this page include the following artists: Karina Jeetoo, Derek Standen, Tony Keen, Richard Willmott and Tony Todd.
Publicity For Your Art Society / Exhibitions
If you would like your group or exhibition to be included on the Surrey Artists website, please Contact Us.
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