Wast Water – Lake District – Abstract – Tiffany Budd – Fine Artist – The National Acrylic Painters Association – Surrey Artists Gallery
Artist: Tiffany Budd
Wast Water – Lake District
Image Size: 100cm x 40cm
Art Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Example from Tiffany’s Cubist Gallery
Price: £500
Commissions Invited
Contact The Artist
Tiffany Budd
Fine Artist, specialising in Acrylic Painting and Pastel Drawing
Phone: 07870 293 424
Please mention the Surrey Artists website
Email: tiffanydowling@wall-power.co.uk
Website: www.tiffanybudd.co.uk
About The Artist
She studied at Wimbledon School of Art and University of Plymouth and gained a degree in Textile Design. After a career in Textile design and then Interior Design, the demand for her artwork increased so much that she became a full-time artist.
Tiffany’s subjects vary due to the requirements of her clients, but her favourite subjects are florals with collage combined and cubist abstract work.
Tiffany has paintings published all over the world and has recently worked with Marks and Spencer on their new Wall Art collection, as well as having her paintings reproduced onto ceramic tiles by Fiesta Collectables.
She has won awards for her work and exhibited all over the UK, including Scotland and St Ives. In 2005 she was a finalist in the New Artists Competition run by DeMontfort Fine Art. Tiffany also exhibited at the Autumn Fair at the NEC, Birmingham.
In November 2006, Tiffany was awarded Highly Commended for her painting ‘Harbour Boats’ in the National Acrylic Painters Association exhibition – it sold on the first day. This painting is shown on her website.
Tifffany regularly undertakes private commissions and works directly with the client, creating a bespoke piece of art for their room schemes.
Art Group / Exhibitions
The National Acrylic Painters Association, Society for all Artists and The Fine Art Trade Guild.
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