Flowers – Auratum Lily – Kim Page – Paintings in Watercolour and Oil – Surrey Art Gallery – England
Contact The Artist
Kim Page
Paintings in Watercolour and Oil
Phone: 01276 452 816
Please mention the Surrey Artists website
Email: kimpageseven@gmail.com
About The Artist
Primarily, I am the pastor and teacher of a church in Woking, I have painted professionally for nearly 30 years, holding solo and joint exhibitions in the UK and across Europe. I regularly hold painting classes for students and I am often invited by various Art Societies to demonstrate, hold workshops and appraisals.
Recognition of my talent and ability date back to my early childhood, when Annigoni viewed my work and recommended to my parents that I should pursue my painting. At 12, I won a scholarship to junior art school.
Working in watercolour or oils, my choice of subject is wide-ranging and my faith inspires me. I paint what I see and feel – those things which exercise my mind and cause me to stop, look, think and imagine.
Art Group / Exhibitions
The Local Artists, Guildford Art Society, Woking Society of Art.
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