A Perfect Line – from Under Milk Wood – Sussex Artist – William E. Rochfort – Fine Art Oil Paintings and Limited Edition Fine Art Prints
Artist: William E. Rochfort
A Perfect Line
‘This painting was completed for coursework, when I studied Illustration for a year at Kingston University in Surrey, UK. It was to illustrate a scene from Dylan Thomas’ ‘Under Milk Wood’. My Granddad posed as the vicar who has just thought of such a brilliant line in his poetry that he doesn’t look where he is dipping his pen.’
Limited Edition Fine Art Prints
Available in a range of sizes and formats
Commissions Invited
Contact The Artist
William E. Rochfort
Fine Art Oil Paintings
and Limited Edition Fine Art Prints
Phone: 770 228 7351
Please mention the Surrey Artists website
Email: willrochfort@gmail.com
Website: williamrochfort.com
About The Artist
Will’s main reason for becoming an artist is from a passion for creativity.
“There is rarely any strong meaning or message behind my work – narrative takes a large role because I like the work to be emotive through what is being portrayed, but creativity is the driving force behind all of my paintings”
From 2008 to 2010 Will Rochfort worked as an Official Artist for the 2012 London Olympics, working with Olympic Gold Medalists, producing paintings in support of the Games and its associated charities.
As well as completing several portrait commissions, Will Rochfort is always searching for new ideas for paintings and usually finds this in books or cinema. With influences ranging from Degas to Rockwell, to the films of Steven Spielberg, it is narrative that really interests Will and he always aims to have a story within his work.
“I am a very visual painter and with the public being my target audience over the art establishment, I always aim to depict scenes that, through the characters portrayed, I hope people can relate to and enjoy”
Career / Exhibitions
• 2005 – 2006 Completed a year studying Illustration at Kingston University before changing to Fine Art
• July 2006 First Exhibition of work at the New Forest Show with Lloyds TSB Private Banking
• October 2006 Displayed at Christies South Kensington in aid of The Fortune Centre of Riding Therapy
• January 2008 Exhibition at the Fountain Gallery in Hampton
• February 2008 Appeared in the Fine Art Trade Guild magazine ‘Art Business Today’
• May 2008 Appeared in Artist and Illustrators magazine
• June 2008 Final Degree Show at Kingston University
• July 2008 Producing work for the Henley Rowing Regatta
• July 2008 3rd Prize in Artist and Illustrators ‘Artist of the Year’ competition
• July 2008 Exhibiting at ‘Art in Action’
• August 2008 Producing work for The Edinburgh Festival
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