Sunrise at Bradmore Pond – Oil Painting – Coulsdon Surrey Artist Mandy Gomm

Sunrise at Bradmore Pond – Oil Painting – Coulsdon Surrey Artist Mandy Gomm

Art, Painting Commissions and Prints from Surrey Artists

Artist: Mandy Gomm

Artist: Mandy Gomm

Sunrise at Bradmore Pond - Oil Painting - Coulsdon Surrey Artist Mandy Gomm

Image Size: Image 40cm x 30cm – framed 49cm x 39cm
Art Medium: Oil
Painting Availability: Sold

Commissions Invited

Contact The Artist

Mandy Gomm

Coulsdon, Surrey

Portrait, Landscape and Animal Artist

Oil, Acrylic and Watercolour

Please mention the Surrey Artists website


Instagram: mandygommart

Gallery Of Art

About The Artist

Mandy was born in Yorkshire where she attended Bradford School of Art. She has lived in Surrey for over 30 years.

She mainly uses her own photos for reference and enjoys capturing scenes with distinct lighting qualities. She describes her style as realism with an expressive use of vibrant colours.

She paints landscapes, animals and portraits and is open for commission requests. Working mostly in oils, she does use acrylics and watercolour when the subject requires it.

Art Group / Exhibitions

Mandy is a member of Croydon Art Society and SAOS and has exhibited her work at Denbies, Bourne Hall and her local art gallery. She does not sell copies or prints of her work.

Pond Reflections – Trees – Natural World Landscape Artist Sally Banks

Pond Reflections – Trees – Natural World Landscape Artist Sally Banks

Art, Painting Commissions and Prints from Surrey Artists

Artist: Sally Banks

Artist: Sally Banks

Pond Reflections - Trees - Natural World Landscape Artist Sally Banks

Pond Reflections

Original Artwork

Image Size: 24″ x 18″ Depth 3/4″
Art Medium: Acrylic on Stretched Canvas
Original Painting Price: Please Contact the Artist

Commissions Invited

Contact The Artist

Sally Banks

Figurative, Landscapes, Floral and Portraiture in Acrylic and Watercolour

Phone: 077061 44544

Please mention the Surrey Artists website


Instagram: @artworksbysallybanks

About The Artist

The roots of my creativity are in Africa. The people, the vegetation and multifaceted landscapes of Zimbabwe were to me vividly bright and beautiful.

I moved to the UK in 2003, with one year away (2003-2004), accepting a visiting student opportunity in Jerusalem, Israel. I was based in Wimbledon up until 2009 and then moved to Surrey and now live in Kent. I have relished the cultural richness that is here and the beauty of the English countryside.

I look back at my mentors with gratitude. Beginning at primary boarding school, I remember with thanks the artist and teacher, Jean Peterson, who started an art club. My very first exhibition entry was done through her. From then on I thought of myself as an artist.

Trevi Fountain Rome Fine Art Prints
Estelle Byrne was my inspiring and gifted art teacher at secondary school. I notice on the Queen Elizabeth School Facebook page, she is often mentioned with affection. Her classes were the highlight of my week.

I mostly work in acrylic and watercolour. When I work from nature I prefer close up views, making the play of light the main ingredient. I am aware that I am drawing inspiration from my own story behind the subject, the ongoing script of everything observed.

I love the human form and face. I look for subtle expressions that reveal personality, the story behind the eyes.

St Georges Hill Weybridge Landscape Painting Commissioned

Awards / Exhibitions / Career

I studied at the School of Art at the Bulawayo Technical College. Under Adele Walters I discovered and developed my strength in life drawing and received the college’s Fine Art Award (1969). That same year, a class outing to the park to paint outdoors initiated my love for watercolours.

I went on to a long career in Harare, mostly within the textile industry. I took on painting commissions, sold my work through commissions, solo and joint exhibitions and in small local galleries. It’s a lovely thought that my work is all over the world in people’s homes.

In Zimbabwe I worked only in watercolour, and my subjects were predominately floral and landscape (see Bush Sunrise). Here in the UK, I have taken on private commissions and I have sold work at the Corner Gallery, Carlshalton (see Hydrangea Profusion) and through the studio of Jane Silk, the ceramicist (see Ornamental Orange Tree and Higginson Park).

I am exhibiting at Sixteen Gallery, Cheltenham in March 2022.

I’ve had exciting experiences as a mature student. I lived in Sweden for four years to study (BA European History) and during that time took 3 courses in Western Humanities under Dr. Torbjorn Aaronson, PhD Political Science, Uppsala (2002). As a visiting student for one year, I studied Jewish Art in Late Antiquity at the Hebrew University, Rothberg School, under Professor Lee I. Levine (2003-2004). I now live in Kent.

Surrey’s Last Wilderness – Painting by Guildford Art Society member Ingrid Skogland from Ash

Surrey’s Last Wilderness – Painting by Guildford Art Society member Ingrid Skogland from Ash

Art, Painting Commissions and Prints from Surrey Artists

Artist: Ingrid Skoglund

Artist: Ingrid Skoglund

Surrey's Last Wilderness - Painting by Normandy Artists member Ingrid Skogland

Image Size: 24″ x 18″
White Floater Frame and ready to hang
Art Medium: Acrylic on Stretched Canvas
Original Painting Price: £350

Commissions Invited

Contact The Artist

Ingrid Skoglund

Ash near Guildford, Surrey
Contemporary artist working in Mixed Media
Facebook Page

Please mention the Surrey Artists website

Gallery of Ingrid's Art

About The Artist

Ingrid Skoglund is a mix of German and Swedish, although born in Ash in Surrey where she still lives and paints.

She has had a lifelong passion for watercolour although her main focus for over 20 years was as Managing Director of a demanding business. Selling out a few years ago, allowed her finally to take up painting full time.

Ingrid is pretty much self-taught, so doesn't have too many rules and loves trying to push watercolour to its limits - in particular to mix it with dye and foil to give a chaotic vibrancy . She also like to mix botanical accuracy with the abstract . She is currently building her portfolio of galleries and exhibitions and is amazed by the interest in her work.

Ingrid's website includes galleries of her paintings of views, animals, flowers, portraits and figures, acrylics and abstracts.

"I work unconventionally with various media to produce unexpected and unpredictable effects. I rarely use a brush and am currently working with the toxic fumes of alcohol ink and isopropyl although the beautiful translucent effects are worth it. A photo of the work just can’t capture it so if you like the image – the real thing is even better – just beautiful. I also often work with acrylic and silicone oil – pushing the mix around with a hot hairdryer and finishing off with a blow torch.

I don’t do cards or prints and I can’t replicate a piece of work . If you buy one of my pieces it’s not just original it’s totally unique. "


Winner of the Chairman's Award for the public vote at autumn 2016 Woking Art Society Exhibition at The Lightbox Gallery in Woking.

She is seen below receiving the award from the Chairman below for her painting A Day at The Seaside.

In 2017 Ingrid was named 'Artist of The Year' by Pirbright Art Club.

She was also shortlisted by West Of England Royal Academy for her painting We’re Not Afraid Of Anything.

Winner Of The Alliott's Award for Best Contemporary Work at Guildford Art Society Autumn Exhibition 2017 for Yep Tide’s Out, pictured below.

Ingrid Painting - Winner of the Chairman’s Award for Woking Art Society Exhibition at The Lightbox for A Day At The Seaside
Ingrid receiving Chairman’s Award for Woking Art Society Exhibition at The Lightbox Gallery
Winner Of The Alliotts Award for Best Contemporary Work at Guildford Art Society Autumn Exhibition 2017

Art Group / Exhibitions

Member of Pirbright Art Club, Guildford Art Society (Exhibitions Coordinator), Village Artists and West Surrey Artists.

As well as exhibitions with these art groups, artwork is also exhibited in London and the South of England;  on occasion with The Royal Watercolour  Society at The Bankside Gallery, The Gosport Hampshire Open and frequently at Denbies Art Gallery, Dorking.

Art on Display at Hartley Witney, Hampshire Gallery

Work regularly on display and for sale at the Peter Richardson Gallery, 65 High Street Hartley Witney, Hampshire RG27

Contemporary Art – Lily Pond and Trees – Fred Masters – Abstract Artist – Painting in Acrylic – Surrey Art Gallery

Contemporary Art – Lily Pond and Trees – Fred Masters – Abstract Artist – Painting in Acrylic – Surrey Art Gallery

Art, Painting Commissions and Prints from Surrey Artists

Artist: Fred Masters

Artist: Fred Masters

Contemporary Art - Lily Pond and Trees - Fred Masters - Abstract Artist - Painting in Acrylic - Surrey Art Gallery

Lily Pond

Image Size: 40cm x 50cm
Art Medium: Acrylics
Original Painting: £320

Commissions Invited

Contact The Artist

Fred Masters


Paintings in Acrylic and Oil

Phone: 01372 386 459
Mobile: 077 489 22 972
Please mention the Surrey Artists website

About The Artist

I studied fine art for four years at Manchester and Sunderland Colleges of Art, followed by one year at Leeds College of Art ( art teachers' diploma ).
Subseqently, I spent many years teaching Art to A Level in grammar and independent schools, before taking early retirement.

My work is extremely varied, mainly in oils and acrylic, ranging from purely figurative to totally abstract. I tend to work in series, developing an idea, where one painting leads to another, before perhaps moving on to something quite different.

Contemporary Art - Lagoon Abstract Art - Surrey Artist Fred Masters Painting
Contemporary Art - After Peter Blake Abstract Painting - Surrey Artist Fred Masters
Contemporary Art - Orchard Abstract Art - Surrey Artist Fred Masters Painting

Over the years, I have exhibited in Newcastle on Tyne, Oxford, as well as various venues in Surrey and the paintings shown here represent only a SMALL cross-section of my work.

Not currently a member of a Surrey Art Group or Surrey Art Society.

I welcome any enquiries and will happily e-mail a wide range of images of my work, to any interested party.

Strolling Through Wisley Gardens  – Surrey Art Gallery

Strolling Through Wisley Gardens – Surrey Art Gallery

Art, Painting Commissions and Prints from Surrey Artists

Artist: David Harmer (Woking)

Artist: David Harmer (Woking)

Strolling Through Wisley Gardens - Surrey Art Gallery
Art Medium: Watercolour
Image Size: 30cm x 40cm
Price: Original Painting For Sale
Originals from £75

Commissions Invited

Contact The Artist

David Harmer

Watercolour Artist

St. John's Village, Woking, Surrey

Phone: 01483 767 200
Mobile: 0750 036 5463
Please mention the Surrey Artists website

About The Artist

I have been painting in watercolour now for about twenty years. Most of what I have learned has been through observation and tuition at workshops, and through art clubs. I live now in St. Johns Village, not far from the Basingstoke canal, which in itself is an inspiration, offering up endless subjects changing throughout the year.

This gallery is a showcase of some of my watercolour paintings. For a full set see my website. Some of them are recent, and some are not so, but just retained because I like them. Some of them were sold long ago, others are still available. Waterways are a constant favourite, either local or from my travels. There is nothing quite like watercolour for depicting water, however, the gallery does show quite a mix of subjects and as you can see, elephants have fascinated me for some time.

David Harmer Woking Surrey Artist

Watercolour is my chosen medium. It can be infuriating, but rewarding when successful. I have come a long way with it, but there is always more to do, so am unlikely to change to another medium. Occasionally I add some ink for a particular effect, otherwise I depend on the purity of watercolour.

Painting is for me a pleasure, and exhibiting is part of the experience. I usually exhibit locally four or five times a year, with regular venues in Guildford and Pirbright.

Sales enquiries are are gladly received. I don't as yet produce prints, maybe I will one day, but so far have only sold originals. I have sent pictures all over the globe, and can go into detail if you want to enquire about any particular painting. At the time of writing this, the paintings which I have sold are widely distributed not only across the UK, but also hang in collections in France, Eire, Spain, Italy, Greece, Holland, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

I am always very pleased to receive commissions.

Art Groups

Full exhibiting member of Woking Society of Arts
Exhibiting member of Pirbright Art Club

Art Exhibitions

"The Railings" - One Day Exhibition at The Lord Pirbright's Hall on Saturday 30th July
Address: The Green, Pirbright, Woking, Surrey GU24 0JE

Exhibiting at Denbies Wine Estate's Art Gallery from 3rd to 9th April 2023 with First for Art Group
Address: Denbies Wine Estate, London Road, Dorking, Surrey RH5 6AA

Websites For Artists

The David Harmer website has been created by Surrey Artists. If you are an artist in need of a website, please Contact Us.

Art Website Builder - Surrey Artists site for David Harmer Watercolour

Art WebsiteTestimonial

"This is the second website that Chris and Colette from Surrey Artists have designed for me and I am delighted with the result. They put in an amazing amount of work collating a large amount of detail to ensure my paintings are professionally displayed.
The finished website has already attracted a large number of serious enquiries some of which have been converted"

David Harmer

Art Website by Surrey Artists